Developing Your Brand’s Message
Understanding and shaping the voice of your brand is absolutely essential for creating successful digital marketing campaigns. When we talk about the “Voice” of your company, we mean the message and unique style you use in communication. The voice you share across social media, advertisements, company websites, billboards, etc. should be a reflection of who you are as a company and the specific demographic you are targeting.
Your voice will sound different if you are targeting Millenials than if you are marketing to a senior demographic. The language you will use is different because their values and perspectives are different. The better you understand your target market, the easier it will be to shape the voice of your company to directly connect with your demographic through your marketing and advertising.
Without a clear and consistent message, potential customers or followers will not know who you are as a company or how you are meeting their needs. Whether you have a luxury consumer product brand or a gutter repair service business, the voice you share in marketing will fine-tune how your target market sees and relates to you.
The type of content you share through social media will also flow out of this understanding of your target demographic and their wants and needs. Blogs and other helpful info will help your potential customers with questions or problems they have, or even just educate them on interests and fuel their passions. This type of content will keep people interested and engaged with your brand until they are ready to buy. social media posts will function in the same way to reinforce who you are as a company and the specific needs you are meeting.
Tip of the day: Research your target market in order to cultivate your voice and content. Then keep your voice consistent across all of your online platforms and advertisements so people know exactly who you are and how you can help them.
Need help developing or implementing your social media or content strategy? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our specialists.